Wednesday, September 20, 2006

You Go Girl!!!

People have asked me, "Isn't consulting for men?", " I have not seen Desi women stand on meetings or work away from home. Why do you do this? "

I have asked this question to myself once upon a time (am I too old to use this-Once upon a time?) but have always concluded that women have more potential than we think we have.
Women can ask questions without fearing: "Am I supposed to know this by now?" or, " What are they going to think of me?", or, "I should not prove ignorant in front of him". We realise that it is easier and quicker to ask.

We understand that it is ok to be wrong initially, since we are going to put the fullest effort to learn and solve problems. The nuisance value (like in 'Ab Tak Chappan') is relatively less. We have more social and personal responsibilities, in addition to work, par-earning the family's bread and taking care of investments. So, we cannot go on unless we are organised. And, hence we are better at managing time. That gives us more focus. Client relationship; women seem to have lesser problems on that; men and women know the technical and business stuff equally well. It matters how well you can make the difference.

True, by our basic nature, we may lack the stamina to keep talking on meetings for 8 hours at a stretch, convincing clients, debating, and bringing them inline with our thinking, but we are not ashamed to bring protein shakes and nutri-bars to our meetings. We are not embarrassed to admit that we exercise to be fit and to cope-up with and withstand the long and hard day at work.

There is no prejudice when we push and push harder to get things done. It is the "Go, Get it" attitude that makes us stand out. In all projects we have resistance from the team, most of whom have not worked with women at their level (well, I am not referring to software and IT industries, that is a different ball game) .

I admit that it is very difficult to get along initially. I remember when I started I was a little shy and would think that anyone who kept his head high and lip tight knew what they were doing. I was completely wrong. It takes some time to learn the game.
But, now I know it is the one who can really work with passion, energy, perseverance, and focus, can present well, and who is not afraid of taking risks is the one who makes an impression, and the one who succeed.

Not only in consulting, this is the reason why women succeed in all the fields.


Blogger Vishakan said...

Are you saying that in a developed country like USA there is resistance to women in non-IT fields?

I find it surprising. Many of the qualities that you attribute to women are not unique to them and many men have the same attitudes too. We should not generalise here.

12:57 AM, September 23, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, there is resistance in many fields.
The qualities which I attribute to women are specifically for consulting. Each of us have differentiate through a different skill. Many of my colleagues have more than 15 years experience in the industry. To think of it, we have half their experience, and only these qualities compensate. Agreed. Men have the same attitude.

11:40 AM, September 23, 2006


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